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Hey there! Welcome to my World Race blogging page! My name is Alexis Cosio, and I am beyond grateful you are here! With this blogging page, I want to take you with me by sharing my news, thoughts, and inspiration throughout my mission trip with The World Race. So, without further ado, let’s get started!


In April, after hearing about a mission experience, I grew curious. When the experience was explained, it was mentioned that some people don’t even know the name of Jesus! My heart broke for those people, I was in shock and disbelief. How could a person not know about their Lord and Savior?! The creator of all the earth?! Someone who loves us most?!

Instantly, I had a desire to share the gospel with those who have never even heard His name. “Reaching the unreached” was a constant thought and brought a longing into my heart to do so. So, I started praying and seeking wisdom and guidance on what mission trips are and how i can get involved. After speaking with people about missions and hearing personal experiences, I saw a common denominator in each conversation. They all mentioned The World Race! So, after seeking prayer, wisdom, and guidance, I finally applied for The World Race Gap Year, and was accepted!


So! Over the span of 9 months (August 31, 2024 – May 22, 2025), I will travel to 4 countries (Nicaragua, India, Nepal, and Eswatini) to serve alongside their international base teams and other strategic ministry partners who are spreading the Gospel while meeting the tangible needs of their communities. This gap year program is created for recent high school graduates to serve others, dive into the Christian community, and grow in your identity and faith!

I am so excited to have the opportunity to live out what I have learned and use the gifts God has given me to serve the ongoing work of experienced leaders, while also sharing it with you!